My name is Charline, I am a young mother, pretty passionate and ultra-creative. I am an art addict and have loved decoration like forever. It was back in 2011, after my son was born and my house was built that I decided to personalise some decorative items doing it myself.
Those were such a big hit with my friends that I decided to start doing it as a professional activity. This is how Marcel Meduse was created in 2014.
During two years I tried to continue both my regular work and the running of my new business. I made the final jump in January 2016 going full time into my own creative activity. I specialize in poetic dream-catchers and textile wool wall decorations whose success towards individual and corporate business has never since faltered.
I also develop business partnerships and projects with brands and also DIY websites. For them I make tutorials and organise workshops for adults or children. I take much pride in being the author of several DIY books published with Rustica Editions :
- « Attrape-rêves » (april 2017),
- « Arbres de vie » (march 2019),
- « Attrape-rêves végétaux » (may 2019)
- et co-auteur de « 50 créas Déco » (april 2018)
Myfirst book “Attrape-rêves” was also published in English with the American editor : Schiffer Publishing (june 2019).
The quote from Antoine de St Exupery is a true inspiration to me and my motto : “make your life a dream, and a dream a reality”
Welcome to my world !